Premature hair loss:
causes and treatment

A recent survey found that one in five adolescents around the age of 20 suffers from premature hair loss. Underrated psychological factors such as anxiety, stress, trauma and emotional tensions often influence this phenomenon.

Boys are generally more affected than girls, but the number of women affected is also increasing. In this case, this is mainly due to insomnia, poor diet and smoking. In most cases, however, it is a hereditary androgenetic alopecia.
The common feature is represented by excessive sebum production and the thinning of the hair. In fact, the hair is getting finer and then fall out without further regrowth.

The solution: prevention

The best solution is prevention: If you find that something is wrong, you have to intervene in time to combat hair loss.

Why is CAPILOSAN the appropriate treatment
for hereditary premature hair loss?


Alopexin Forte

ALOPEXIN Lotion is the best natural protection against DHT and suppression of 5-alpha reductase, the main cause of hair loss. In addition, ALOPEXIN contains a combination of proven ingredients against hair loss and for the regulation of the scalp such as caffeine, panthenol, Eclipta Prostrata, Kigelia Africana, Nigella Sativa, Serenoa Repens and Ginseng. Results such as reduced hair loss and stronger hair are visible after just a few weeks when used regularly.


Hair Power Caps

In addition to the proven millet extract, the HAIR POWER CAPS also contain vitamins (E, H, B complex), minerals, L-cystine, pantothenic acid, biotin and zinc. The hair is nourished, becomes thicker and the hair becomes stronger. This counteracts the hair loss and the result is a healthy, shiny hair.


Sensitive Shampoo

SENSITIVE SHAMPOO contiene ingredienti come l’olio dell’albero del tè, proteine ​​del grano, pantenolo, estratto di ortica, ginseng e un complesso vitaminico. Questo complesso di principi attivi non solo nutre e rigenera il cuoio capelluto, elimina la forfora e contrasta l’eccessiva produzione di sebo, ma tratta anche i capelli con sostanze nutritive preziose durante il lavaggio. Le proteine ​​del grano formano inoltre un film protettivo intorno ai capelli e rafforzano ulteriormente l’intera struttura dei capelli.

How do I use the treatment?

Intensive treatment

In case of severe hair loss use ALOPEXIN FORTE daily. Apply ALOPEXIN forte on the dry scalp or after washing your hair and gently massage in. Take 2 capsules of HAIR POWER CAPS daily with a little liquid. Wash hair with SENSITIVE shampoo at least 3 times a week. Duration of treatment 2-4 weeks.

Normal treatment

In case of increased hair loss use ALOPEXIN FORTE 3 times a week. Apply ALOPEXIN forte on the dry scalp or after washing your hair and gently massage in. Take 2 capsules of HAIR POWER CAPS daily with a little liquid. Wash your hair with SENSITIVE shampoo 3 times a week. Duration of treatment 4-6 months.

Maintaining treatment

To maintain the results, apply ALOPEXIN FORTE 2-3 times a week. Apply ALOPEXIN forte on the dry scalp or after washing your hair and gently massage in. Take 1 capsule of HAIR POWER CAPS daily with a little liquid. Wash your hair with SENSITIVE shampoo 3 times a week.

Prevention treatment

For prevention use ALOPEXIN forte 2-3 times a week. Apply ALOPEXIN forte on the dry scalp or after washing your hair and gently massage in. Take 1 capsule of HAIR POWER CAPS daily with a little liquid. Wash your hair with SENSITIVE shampoo 3 times a week.